What is "junk science?" For me, for a period of five years and reporting on health and diet News agenda is study loan, the group, such as milk, whole fat milk does not have health risks, or PEOPLE for the ETHICAL TREATMENT of ANIMALS for market fuels to be used solely for the purpose of optimal vegan, Mediterranean diet is a diet of man.
These studies are customised so that the results to say exactly what you want them to say the benefactors. That is Junk Science, research, which examines a sample of the population and to find a certain eating habit (or trend) is negative or positive impact on health, i.e., the correspondence; Therefore, the phrase "correlation."
The correlation studies take a lot of flak (mostly by scientists or people who, quite frankly no idea what they are talking about), because they show the cause and effect. But the principle of equivalence of studies is Slamming dumb. You cannot ignore the trend (or correlation) because it does not directly say "Yes" or "no".
Consider it. If you eat 100 fishermen fish Hudson River on a daily basis for a period of one year and at the end of the fiscal year of the 50 to obtain the cancer, it is quite obvious that the three-eyed Hudson River fish noshing on cancer risk.
You could say that eating mutant fish raise cancer risk by 50%, even after taking into account the history of a family of fishermen and lifestyle habits such as smoking, alcohol consumption and use. To refrain from all that most people in the murky depths of bypasses yanked from the Hudson River fish. You would be stupid not to.
And this is my point. Scientists and researchers (and ultimately the US general public) can never know if the refined sugar, 100% of the causes of diabetes, or saturated fat than red meat directly to the cause of heart disease, or eating fish in the Hudson River will give you cancer, but we are so clever that equivalence must see, and you need to make informed decisions about what they eat.
If not, you're playing. You say, I hope, that the food choices (probably bad transfers) did not come back to bite me, even though all of them are likely to use tells me. Listen with your physical health, you need to be aware of opportunities like that it is stupid. Make sure that, deep-fried Bacon tastes good, but it is not an excuse to pretend, not bad for you.
Much less intelligent cavemen our patterns, that walking Saber Tooth Tiger cave is a risky area, after many of their tribesmen to be running out of maimed, or not at all. Odds are the giant predator had something to do, even if they do not see it as part of their friends, part of the tear.
So, next time, you can read the correlation is so fast, don't yell "junk science," because most likely you're wrong ... maybe even a dead wrong.
Image credit: desktopnexus
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